These are some of the projects that I have worked on for the past few years. Since most of my work involve opensource projects, contribution can be viewed from my Github Profile. For more details of my experiences and skillsets, do refer to my CV.

Research Publications

  • SERL: A Software Suite for Sample-Efficient Robotic Reinforcement Learning
    • Framework for sample efficient off-policy and offline RL for robot learning. ICRA 2024 Acceptance
    • site, code
  • Octo: An Open-Source Generalist Robot Policy
    • Transformer-based diffusion policy, pretrained on 800k robot episodes. RSS (Robotics: Science and Systems) 2024 Submission
    • site, code

  • Force Sight - Text-Guided Mobile Manipulation with Visual-Force Goals
    • ICRA 2024 Acceptance, CORL 2023 Demo
    • ForceSight, 3D visual-force affordance prediction with deep model via rgbd image and language inputs
  • Stretch-with-stretch, Exercise theraphy robot for patients with parkinson
    • ICRA 2024 Paper Acceptance
    • Project site: link

Robotics 🤖

A full-stack robotics software engineer. From real robot, simulation, system design to cloud app.

Robotics Middleware Framework

I’m one of the core contributor of the Open RMF project. RMF is a distributed framework that manages hetogenous robot fleets and infrastructure (e.g. task allocation, scheduling and path conflict resolution).

  • Multi Robot fleet management project: site
    • Demonstration of RMF in simulation: repo
    • RMF core libraries, with C++ and Python APIs: repo

Robots and Simulation


  • Fiducial Marker Based Auto Docking for AGV: repo
  • Dual arm manipulation workcell with Gazebo Sim: repo
  • Many more…


  • 2D occupancy nav map generator from 3D SLAM repo
  • Fancy Cmake and agnostic camera driver impl for ROS and ROS2 repo
  • Cargo volumne detection system with multi camera system setup (closed source)

Machine Learning 🦾

  • ManipulatorGym: Gym-like environment and utility for manipulators repo. Provide pipeline for collecting demonstrations for Octo and OpenVLA Finetuning.
  • Agentlace: Distributed and Async Agent framework (for imitation learning and RL) repo
  • ForceSight, a ML model which enabled dexterous manipulation via future visual-force prediction from rgbd image and language text inputs: site
  • Tennis agent gameplay with reinforcement learning and Evolutionary Search: repo
  • Drone landing selector with image input and natural language instructions: repo
  • Federated Learning on Molecular Property Prediction using GCNs and Transformers: repo
  • Applied RAG with self-hosted LLM (e.g. Llama2, Mixtral, etc.)
  • And other LLM, VLM side projects…

Web and System Development 🌐

Some snapshots of my experiences in web and system dev

Cloud Infrastructure for RMF

  • Cloud infra Setup for RMF repo
  • Docker containers, Resource Provisioning, Kubenetes and ArgoCD setup, etc.
  • RMF Web App, front and backend system: repo


  • Develop Distributed Map Reduce implementation from scratch in C++ and deploy to Azure Cloud with Kubenetes: repo
  • NewsGPT - Latest news headlines summarization with OpenAI’s Davinci model and Langchain, and hosted on azure cloud: (
  • React Web GUI for pointcloud visualization and labelling, targeted for autonomous vehicle object